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InstaCode Software Live The Works - 12 Months

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IC-WORKS See Legacy SKUs

The Works gives you access to both general and vehicle codes, as well as the following features: Find bitting/wafer swapper functionality, Transponder/remotes information, Car opening instructions.

Please note:  can take up to 24 hours before this add-on option will be available for use

It includes:

  • Access to both general and vehicle codes
  • Find bitting/wafer swapper functionality
  • Transponder/remotes information
  • Car opening instructions

Find Bitting/Wafer Swapper

The Find Bitting feature is the locksmith's silver bullet! Often referred to as the 'Fill' feature, InstaCode will search through an entire code series for the matching codes when given any number of the known cuts! This is a 'must have' for any locksmith who makes keys for vehicles. The feature enables the creation of keys which will operate all the locks on a vehicle without the need to disassemble every lock! An advanced feature of this allows for the searching of 'one up also' depths; searching for two possible depths in a position. This is perfect for use with lock readers/decoders. Even when multiple keys can operate the known cut, the Find Bitting feature will generate a 'Cutting Tree'. The 'Cutting Tree' is a list of the possibly correct keys, sorted into an order that minimizes the number of key blanks that need to be used to cut and treat every possible key combination.


InstaCode contains a huge amount of useful information concerning vehicle immobilizer systems. Collected by actual locksmiths, InstaCode's Transponder information consists of several different categories: General system overviews - this can include anything from a generalized description of how the system works (great for fault finding) to the location of the immobiliser ECU. Transponder Parts - this is a list of known parts from various aftermarket manufacturers (and OEM) that can be used with a vehicle. Diagnostic Information - this is information that is useful when connecting to the vehicle with a diagnostic device. It includes data such as the OBDII connector location or which dongle to use with your MVP; and On-board Procedures - this can include the steps to program addition keys, erase keys or even reset the immobiliser system after it has been 'locked'.


Car Opening

InstaCode's vehicle opening information is vast. Written by actual locksmiths, it provides useful tips and ideas that are applicable to the vehicle in front of you. Whether it is a simple as pulling the inside handle, spiking the green wire or simply so difficult that you need specialist tools, InstaCode will point you in the correct direction. It's like having access to decades' worth of locksmith experience on your phone!

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products = ["INC-DS-WORKS-001"];
products = ["INC-DS-WORKS-001"];

InstaCode Software Live The Works - 12 Months

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