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JLR Lock50 HW18 Non OEM Non Peps RFA SPC Dump to Key Copy 315 Mhz - Key Emulator

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JLR-LOCK50-HW18 See Legacy SKUs

LOCK50 HW18 Change ID JLR Non-PEPS Non-OEM Land Rover or Jaguar NCF29A1 315 MHz; to use with HW01 and HW04 devices.

Cheapest Change ID high-grade keys without PEPS/UWB.

If the RFA is locked, then after the RFA is changed and programmed, and UWB/PEPS is turned off, you can program this key, and it will have full functions, the same as PEPS.

All keyless functions will stop unless PEPS is turned off in the BCM when the RFA is unlocked.

These doors have buttons on the handle and can use those or the key buttons to open and close the car once programmed.

This also supports key copy via RFA MCU dump and key-to-key copy, and it is for unlimited use.

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  • Product Type

    Dongles and Accessories

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products = ["JLR-LOCK50-HW18-001"];
products = ["JLR-LOCK50-HW18-001"];

JLR Lock50 HW18 Non OEM Non Peps RFA SPC Dump to Key Copy 315 Mhz - Key Emulator

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