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Advanced Diagnostics

Advanced Diagnostics (ADA2100) Volvo 2023 Dongle For Smart Pro

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Item #:
AD-ADA-2100 See Legacy SKUs
ADA2100 / D856910AD

The dongle connects directly to the vehicle OBD socket to read the security data from the vehicle ECU, freeing up Smart Pro for other jobs. The dongle will store the reading session, meaning that if interrupted it will resume from where it was last read. No data is lost so the job can be done in several sessions if needed. Once the security reading is complete (indicated by the LEDs on the Dongle), the Volvo* dongle is connected via USB to the Smart Pro to transfer the security information. The key programming procedure is then completed by following the guided process in Smart Pro.

Note: A Smart Pro Device and the ADS2334 Volvo Software are required to use the dongle.

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    Dongles and Accessories

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products = ["ADD-TD-ADA2100-001"];

Advanced Diagnostics (ADA2100) Volvo 2023 Dongle For Smart Pro

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